Creating the Autobiographical Presentation (For One Self)

How would you like to be remembered?
Here is your opportunity to create your own autobiography. Tell your story in your own way, in your own words. What better gift to leave to future generations than your unique insights resulting from your unique experiences? Knowing you better is an important aspect of future generations knowing themselves better. Your legacy, your message, in your own words. Priceless!
Legacy for your Family and Friends
Many of us have wills that direct the disposition of our estate when we pass. But is that all there is to it? Are we only the sum of the assets the we have amassed through life? What life lessons would we want to pass on? What do you want your legacy to be? An autobiographical film is a great way to preserve your image, your voice, and your advice for friends and family.

Complete Instruction
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The workshop uses video to demonstratte key concepts - a “see then do” approach that is super easy to follow.
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There are questions and guides to enhance and encourage your creativity; to take your story to the level it deserves.
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The workshop includes helpful samples to speed you on your way. You can use the samples as guides: replace the media with your own images, and away you go!

Filming Yourself
The workshop features an entire section dedicated to filming yourself; giving you the freedom to express your thoughts and feelings as you see fit. The result is your story told as only you can tell it – from the first person. Most of us find it difficult to write our own story. Here is the opportunity to tell it in your own words.
You have a completed film presentation at end of the workshop
The workshop not only teaches you how to produce your film – it guides you through its actual creation. By completing the workshop, you will have created an autobiographical film that will impress your friends and family.